Wednesday, March 6, 2013

City of Poway





invites applications for




EXAM #13-05



First Review of Applications: March 25, 2013

This posi

􀆟on is atwill and exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Under general direc

􀆟on of the City Manager*, the City Clerk plans, organizes,

oversees, coordinates and reviews the work of sta

ff performing the func􀆟ons and


􀆟vi􀆟es of the City Clerk Division, including administra􀆟on, elec􀆟on

management, legisla

􀆟ve func􀆟ons, and archiving of public records, public


􀆟on, and filing officer services; coordinates assigned ac􀆟vi􀆟es with other

City departments, o

fficials, outside agencies, and the public; administers current

and long

term planning ac􀆟vi􀆟es; manages the effec􀆟ve use of the Division’s

resources to improve organiza

􀆟onal produc􀆟vity and customer service; fosters


􀆟ve working rela􀆟onships among City departments and with State and

local intergovernmental and regulatory agencies and various public and private

groups; provides responsible and complex administra

􀆟ve support to the City

Manager in areas of exper

􀆟se; and performs related work as required.

Other key responsibili

􀆟es include:


Par􀆟cipates in the development and implementa􀆟on of goals, objec􀆟ves,

policies, and priori

􀆟es for the City Clerk Division; recommends within City policy,

appropriate service and sta

ffing levels; recommends and administers policies and



Par􀆟cipates in the development, administra􀆟on, and oversight of the Division budget.


Par􀆟cipates in the selec􀆟on, training, mo􀆟va􀆟on, and evalua􀆟on of assigned personnel; works with employees on

performance issues in coordina

􀆟on with Human Resources; implements discipline in consulta􀆟on with the Assistant City

Manager; responds to sta

ff ques􀆟ons and concerns.



Poway is strategically located in the geographic center of San Diego

County in the coastal foothills, just three miles east of Interstate 15,


miles south of the City of Escondido, and 20 miles north of downtown San


Poway, with a popula

􀆟on of nearly 50,000, is a familyoriented

community which has the second highest median household income in

San Diego County and one of the lowest overall crime rates. Poway has


􀆟nguished itself as the “City in the Country” and is characterized by

mature landscaping, rolling foothills, 82 miles of hiking, riding, and jogging

trails, over 4,700 acres of dedicated open space, and many recrea



􀆟es, including the Lake Poway Recrea􀆟on area and Old Poway Park.

Poway has one of the largest business parks in the County. The Poway


fied School District has gained statewide and na􀆟onal recogni􀆟on for

excellence in curriculum and teaching methods.



Poway incorporated in December 1980 as a general law city and operates under the Council

Manager form of government.

The City Council is comprised of

five members elected at large to serve four overlapping terms. Annually, the City Council

chooses one of its members to serve as the Deputy Mayor, while the Mayor is directly elected.

The City presently has 205 full

‐􀆟me employees and has a total opera􀆟ng budget of $71.9 million for Fiscal Year 20122013.

Poway’s City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is responsible for the overall planning, organiza

􀆟on and direc􀆟on of

municipal ac

􀆟vi􀆟es, as well as advising the City Council on legisla􀆟ve, policy and fiscal ma􀆩ers of the City. The City Manager

also oversees the Assistant City Manager, Administra

􀆟ve Services, Community Services, Legisla􀆟ve Services, Public Works and

Safety Services. The City Clerk Division, a part of the Legisla

􀆟ve Services Department, is comprised of three full‐􀆟me

employees and has an opera

􀆟ng budget of $433,920 for Fiscal Year 20122013.



* The Poway Municipal Code is being amended to re

flect this repor􀆟ng rela􀆟onship.





The City Clerk posi

􀆟on requires at least six (6) years of increasingly responsible experience in complex administra􀆟ve office

work in a City Clerk's/Legisla

􀆟ve Services Office, including three (3) years of supervisory, management or administra􀆟ve

experience AND a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent educa

􀆟on from an accredited educa􀆟onal ins􀆟tu􀆟on with major coursework

in public administra

􀆟on, business administra􀆟on, or a related field. Licenses and Cer􀆟fica􀆟ons Valid California class C driver’s

license with sa

􀆟sfactory driving record and Cer􀆟fica􀆟on as Notary Public is required. Possession of a Cer􀆟fied Municipal Clerk


􀆟ficate issued by the Interna􀆟onal Ins􀆟tute of Municipal Clerks is desirable.


Develops and standardizes procedures and methods to improve

and con

􀆟nuously monitor the efficiency and effec􀆟veness of

assigned programs, service delivery methods, and procedures;

assesses and monitors workload, administra

􀆟ve and support

systems, and internal repor

􀆟ng rela􀆟onships; iden􀆟fies


􀆟es for improvement and makes recommenda􀆟ons to

the City Manager.


Directs and coordinates the work plan for the City Clerk's Division;

meets with sta

ff to iden􀆟fy and resolve problems; assigns work


􀆟vi􀆟es, projects and programs; monitors work flow; reviews and

evaluates work product, methods, and procedures.


Provides highly complex staff assistance to the City Manager, City

Council, Successor Agency Oversight Board, Poway Housing

Authority, and the Poway Public Financing Authority; develops,

prepares and presents sta

ff reports and other necessary correspondence.


A􀆩ends City Council, Poway Housing Authority, Successor Agency Oversight Board, Poway Public Financing Authority, and

Poway Today, Inc. mee

􀆟ngs and oversees the recording of all official proceedings; oversees and prepares minutes and

other documents; directs the publica

􀆟on, filing, indexing and safekeeping of all proceedings of the City Council.


Performs all statutory du􀆟es as established by State law and ordinances of the City of Poway.


Plans and conducts municipal elec􀆟ons and special elec􀆟ons; ensures conformance with the California Elec􀆟ons Code and

government codes; coordinates ballot measures, ini

􀆟a􀆟ve pe􀆟􀆟ons, arguments, rebu􀆩als, and impar􀆟al analyses; advises

candidates of Poli

􀆟cal Reform Act filing requirements; serves as filing officer for the Fair Poli􀆟cal Prac􀆟ces Commission for

campaign disclosure

filings; maintains elec􀆟on documents for public inspec􀆟on; orders and maintains elec􀆟on supplies;

administers and

files oaths of office.


Maintains the City's Municipal Code; determines placement and assigns new ar􀆟cle/sec􀆟on numbers to new revisions/


􀆟ons to the Municipal Code; assists departments in format of resolu􀆟ons and ordinances; a􀆩ests, publishes, indexes,


files ordinances and resolu􀆟ons.


Maintains custody of official records and archives of the City including ordinances, resolu􀆟ons, contracts, agreements,

deeds, and minutes; cer

􀆟fies copies as required; executes official City documents; maintains custody of City Seal.


Acts as Filing Officer for Poli􀆟cal Reform Act Conflict of Interest filings for Members of the City Council, City Manager, City


􀆩orney, consultants, Board and Commission members, and designated City employees.


Administers a variety of func􀆟ons in the City Clerk's Office including registra􀆟on of voters and distribu􀆟on of amendments

to Municipal Code.


Provides official no􀆟fica􀆟on to the public regarding public hearings including legal adver􀆟sing of no􀆟ces.


Researches and prepares data for City Council, staff members, other governmental agencies, ci􀆟zens, and news media;

answers ques

􀆟ons and gives out informa􀆟on on the telephone, by correspondence, and in person.


Directs and coordinates the design, update, implementa􀆟on, and management of the Citywide Uniform Func􀆟onal Filing

System and Op

􀆟cal Imaging Programs.


Assumes responsibility for the Citywide training, scheduling, prepara􀆟on, organiza􀆟on, prin􀆟ng, pos􀆟ng, and distribu􀆟on

of the Agenda and Agenda Packet materials for the City Council and other mee



A􀆩ends and par􀆟cipates in professional group mee􀆟ngs; stays abreast of new trends and innova􀆟ons in the field of

municipal government; researches emerging products and enhancements and their applicability to City needs.


Monitors changes in laws, regula􀆟ons, and technology that may affect City or division opera􀆟ons; conducts a variety of


􀆟onal studies, inves􀆟ga􀆟ons, and opera􀆟onal studies; recommends modifica􀆟ons to assigned programs, policies,

and procedures, as appropriate; implements policy and procedural changes a

􀅌er approval.


Receives, inves􀆟gates, and responds to difficult and sensi􀆟ve problems in a professional manner; iden􀆟fies and reports


ndings and takes necessary correc􀆟ve ac􀆟on.



To be considered for this posi

􀆟on, candidates must apply to:



The posi

􀆟on is open un􀆟l filled with first review of applica􀆟ons to occur on March 25, 2013. It is important that your


􀆟on materials show all of the relevant educa􀆟on and experience you possess. A resume may be a􀆩ached, but will not

be accepted in lieu of a fully completed employment applica

􀆟on including supplemental ques􀆟onnaire. Applica􀆟ons will not

be considered if incomplete.

Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of educa

􀆟on, cer􀆟fica􀆟ons, and experience. The most qualified candidates will be

invited to par

􀆟cipate in an examina􀆟on process and applicants will be no􀆟fied of the status of the recruitment following the


􀆟on of the City Clerk. Appointment is subject to the successful comple􀆟on of a criminal background check and postoffer,


employment physical examina􀆟on that includes a drug screening. The successful candidate will be required to submit


fica􀆟on of the legal right to work in the United States. Human Resources will make reasonable efforts in the examina􀆟on

process to accommodate persons with disabili

􀆟es who make a request.

For more informa

􀆟on, please contact Human Resources at (858) 6684440 or via email at



PO Box 789

Poway, CA 92074


An Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minori

􀆟es and persons with disabili􀆟es are encouraged to apply.



The salary range for the City Clerk posi

􀆟on is $91,728 $111,504 per year. The City offers an a􀆩rac􀆟ve benefits package which



Re􀆟rement: Classic CalPERS members 2% at 60 formula with the employee contribu􀆟ng 7% of regular salary. New

CalPERS members

2% at 62 formula with the employee contribu􀆟ng 7% of regular salary. Effec􀆟ve July 1, 2013 new

CalPERS members will contribute 50% of the total normal cost; total normal cost is currently 6.25% of regular salary. The

City par

􀆟cipates in Medicare but does not par􀆟cipate in Social Security.


Health Benefits: The City provides employerpaid group medical and dental insurance for the employee; the City

contributes 50% of the cost for dependent coverage. Family vision insurance is provided at no cost to the employee. An


􀆟on 125 plan (Flexible Spending Account) for reimbursement of medical and dependent care expenses is also



Leave Benefits: The City provides 120 hours of vaca􀆟on per year. This accrual increases a􀅌er five, ten and fi􀅌een years of

service. Sick leave accrues at 96 hours per year. Addi

􀆟onally, the City provides 10 paid holidays and two floa􀆟ng Benefit



Execu􀆟ve Leave: The City Clerk receives 32 hours of execu􀆟ve leave per year.


Life Insurance: The City provides group term life insurance equal to 1 1/2 􀆟mes annual salary to a maximum of $350,000.

Supplemental life insurance for employees and dependents is available by payroll deduc

􀆟on and at reasonable group



LongTerm Disability: The City provides longterm disability insurance equal to 66 2/3% of your income (up to $9,500)


􀅌er a 30day wai􀆟ng period if totally disabled due to illness or injury.


Auto Allowance: The City Clerk receives an auto allowance of $1,920 per year.


Deferred Compensa􀆟on: The City contributes $106.23 per pay period to 401(a) deferred compensa􀆟on plan with ves􀆟ng

on a graduated schedule. A voluntary 457 plan is available through ICMA

RC with no matching City contribu􀆟on.



Exam #13-05

Supplemental Questionnaire

1. Do you have at least six (6) years of increasingly responsible experience in complex

administrative office work in a City Clerk's/Legislative Services Office?

2. Do you have at least three (3) years of supervisory, management or administrative experience?

3. Do you have a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent education from an accredited educational

institution with major coursework in public administration, business administration, or a

related field?

4. Do you have a valid California class C driver’s license (or equivalent from another state) with

satisfactory driving record?

5. Do you have a Certified Municipal Clerk certificate issued by the International Institute of

Municipal Clerks?

6. Please describe your experience using, evaluating, and implementing technology and/or

software applications.

7. Briefly tell us about your experience managing staff or volunteers and providing performance


8. Provide an example of how your leadership has made operations more efficient or effective

and why it was successful.

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