Saturday, September 14, 2013




It's that time of the month again, time to clear your schedules and mark your calendars
for the September NAVNET breakfast. As usual, we'll get together on Friday, 20 September
at Trellises Garden Grille in the Town & Country Hotel in San Diego's Mission Valley.
They open the doors at 0700 so, that's when we'll get started.

I've updated the contact spreadsheet and uploaded it to our web site (
this evening. So, it's available now for your use. The spreadsheet is password protected
so you'll need to get the password (it's a new link & password each month for security
purposes) from me BEFORE you try to open it. If you try to open it without the password,
you'll get an error message and it will take a long time to get it. So, just shoot
me an email asking for the new password in order to open it. I recognize this could
be a pain but I want to protect the data as much as possible while still making 
it available for use by NAVNET members. In order to maximize the utility of the 
spreadsheet, I recommend opening it. Then saving it to your computer. That way, 
you can sort it to suit yourself.

As an added benefit of joining us fort this month's breakfast, there will be a FREE
workshop that focuses on advanced job search skills for veterans. It will include
strategies to bypass HR departments and job boards by approaching prospective employers
and hiring managers directly. As time permits, it will cover social media and nontraditional
techniques to differentiate you from the typical applicant using special reports,
industry proposals, and case studies that use research with specialized databases
to target opportunities BEFORE they are posted publicly. The workshop will be presented
by NAVNET member and Army veteran Murray Schrantz. The workshop will last approximately
one hour and will be held at the meeting room adjacent to the NAVNET breakfast area.

Hope you can make it on the 20th.


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